Find the win-win in every negotiation

Our Dispute and Negotiation Management experts help you get more of what you want.

  • Understand the negotiating process.
  • Reduce distractions and distress.
  • Anchor negotiations in your favour.
  • Avoid strategic mistakes.
  • Find the win-win.
  • Get you more of what you want.

Disputes and high-stakes negotiations can be extremely intense and draining.

It’s hard to think strategically and remain objective when you’re under duress.

But, often, losing sight of the bigger picture when you’ve got a lot on the line means leaving opportunities on the table or failing to reach a reasonable agreement.

There’s another solution – ask a Fortitude expert to manage negotiations for you.

We understand Negotiation management fundamentals

Fortitude has helped hundreds of business owners undertake critical negotiations, solve disputes and manage business partners who can no longer work together.

We bring years of negotiation tactics, dispute resolution experience and commercial insights to the table, achieving outstanding results for even the most challenging negotiations and disputes.

When you need someone to step in and help you fight the important battles, we’re here to help you:

  • Know what’s important and rank your priorities
  • Develop a list of alternatives that match your preference
  • Turn possible alternatives into actual options
  • Anchor negotiations in your favour
  • Avoid strategic negotiation blunders or knee-jerk reactions
  • Understand the issues, how to overcome impasses and, where possible, how to extract win-win outcomes
  • Maintain objectivity and avoid emotion-driven decisions.

Get more of what you want today.

Book a free 30-minute consultation now on 1300 551 040 or email us for more information.