How to Boost Creative Thinking
Creativity is the fuel that powers innovation, therefore, it’s critical to boost creative thinking if you are to maximise the outcomes of your innovation efforts.
Due to events such as COVID-19 and more generally, an increasing pace of innovation and competitive rivalry, success in today’s business
environment depends on the ability to engage in ongoing innovation activity.
Achieving this involves knowing how to boost creative thinking to improve creative productivity and performance, and in turn, more and better-quality ideas.

What is Creativity?
Creativity is the cognitive activity that results in novel or unconventional ideas that haven’t previously been known or used. It’s knowing how to develop insights and solutions that haven’t previously been seen or imagined, faster and more reliably.
Creativity is the process through which new and useful ideas are generated.
As new and useful ideas are the ‘raw material’ used in the process of innovation, knowing how to boost creative thinking and build this into your business’ routines, has become a competitive imperative.
Boost Creative Thinking by Dispensing with the Myths
Creativity is the highest cognitive function of our species, yet it’s not well understood. Unfortunately, history has produced a number of deep-seated myths that sadly constrain our creativity. For centuries the question ‘How to boost creative thinking?’ has been taboo as creativity has been considered the domain of:
- The gods
- Geniuses
- Those gifted few who are ‘born creative’
The Steps to Boosting Creative Thinking
Creativity is democratic but you must actively promote and develop it if you want to break free from the shackles of history.
In response to the question ‘How to boost creative thinking?’ don’t:
- Categorise yourself as uncreative (dispense with the myths that creativity is the domain of the divine, the select few or that it’s determined at birth)
- Believe that creativity cannot be taught and push back against those who promote this view
- Sit back and wait for creativity to happen by itself, take charge of your environment and develop, learn, practice and hone your creative potential into a competency
The reality is that you learn to be creative by practising it and being recognised for it!
What’s Next for Boosting Creativity
Once you have dispensed with the myths and decided to take control of creativity, the next steps to boosting creative thinking are to:
- Understand the science of creativity, what truly drives it and focus on this
- Understand and overcome the key impediments to creativity (functional fixedness and the negative judgements)
- Discover and learn to apply the tools of creativity
Each of these key steps are discussed in separate blog posts (coming soon):
- ‘The Science of Creativity’
- ‘Functional Fixedness and Negative Judgements Destroy Creativity’
- ‘Tools for Your Creative Toolbox’
If you would like to learn more about how to boost creative thinking, give the team at Fortitude Business Consulting a call on 1300 551 040.